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Slightly calibrate your limiting believes

Remarkable change your outcomes 

Through your efforts and my counseling,
Let the most beautiful wishes soon become reality




Are you stuck on a difficult problem in your life? Although you have choices, but every choice is not what you want, so you feel depressed? Do you want to find a way to make life full of sunshine and excitement again? Have you taken antidepressants and tried routine counseling, but have not experienced sustainable and effective breakthrough? Do you worry about the side effects and dependence of antidepressants from time to time, and worry that you will not be able to control depression? Do you want to master a more effective way to keep yourself healthy and energetic?

Over the past dozen years, I have experienced depression for several months twice. Every moment I had lived in anger and grievances, unable to concentrate, unable to enjoy life. I had visited consultants, and I had taken antidepressants. When I get out of depression and live a "normal" life, I still have worries, because I don't know when the depression will come again, and I don't know how long the depression will last and how much damage it will cause. .

How I Can Help You

  • 无论此刻的你处于什么样的境遇,无论你的梦想看起来多么遥远,其实这两者之间的距离,很近!我会帮助你了解你痛苦的根源,更帮你了解你无穷的潜力!

    45 min

  • 10个小时 一对一的辅导,帮助你轻松跨越面前的艰难(抑郁,焦虑,青少年抑郁的父母辅导,婚姻关系,或者其他难题),享受生活赐予你的每一天

    10 hr




Charlotte, NC 28277


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