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Grateful for every challenge and sharing every discovery


Three years ago, I faced a challenge (again) -- my husband and I were either in a cold war or in an destructive argument. Of my three children (14, 10 and 8 at the time), one was grumpy and swearing; one was of low spirit and rarely smiled. The youngest gave me the most heartache because she curled up in the tiny space between sofas, trembling, while I had a heated argument with my husband. Trying one more last time and to save my marriage for the sake of my three children, I started marriage counseling for myself only. From this special marriage counseling, I learned to form a new, confident, positive, and joyful growth mindset, which replaced the previous worrying and pessimistic thinking habits. My mood soon improved, and the relationship between my husband and me improved dramatically and immediately. All my children become happy again. From there, I took many trainings, read many books, and mastered the control my of thinking habit.


Here's what I've learned: we all have infinite potential, infinite possibilities, and no one has to live in pain and depression, because each of us has one of the most powerful and wonderful machine/computer in the world--our brain. The brain has two distinct, but closely related, interacting parts: the logical, rational, conscious part and the fast-acting subconscious part. Ninety percent of our actions in a day are controlled by the subconscious mind. However, we are completely unable to see what the subconscious mind is doing to us, just like a fish can't see water. Only when we pay attention to the subconscious mind, can we correctly label our needs and meet our needs in the most effective way. When our inner needs are met, our brain moves from a passive, deficient, and defensive mode to a happy, active, abundant, and growing creative mode.

In the process of learning and changing myself, I have come up with a quick, effective, simple method that can help you see the real needs of your subconscious mind, and help you meet these real needs effortlessly. Thus, you don't need to stuck in the survival mode anymore, and you can easily enter the creative mode, work and connect more effectively.

If you want to know more information and know more details, please subscribe to my Youtube channel, add me on WeChat, or book an hour and a half free consultation.



Charlotte, NC 28277


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